Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being a Mom

Being a Mom is one of the best feelings in the world no matter what, but, when it really hits you how much you impact your children's life and can see thru their eyes their perception of you, it's just the best feeling in the world.

With Mother's Day a couple days ago, the kids of course brought home many homemade gifts to show their love and appreciation for me. My absolute favorite was a "My Mom" list of reasons as to why they love me.

This is from Emily ...

My Mom

My Mom is special because: she likes to clean every morning.
She likes to: watch t.v.
My Mom always says: After dinner, it's bedtime.
My Mom can: clean the bathroom and the mirrors until they sparkle.
I know my Mom loves me because: she gives me kisses.
My Mom is the best at: cooking.

from Gabriella....

My Mom is special because: she loves me and gives me kisses
She likes to: take walks with me
My Mom always says: Turn off the t.v.!
My mom can: make the best chocolate chip pancakes
I know my mom loves me because: she gives me hugs & kisses
My mom is the best at : working in the garden.

It's funny the things that we do or say that are so minor, yet make such a impact on our children's lives. The cleaning thing really hit me, as you wouldn't think kids would even notice or appreciate their Mom cleaning, however, both of my children have. It's kind of fun! Of course, I'm not sure where the "working in the garden" statement came from. We have a lawn service that handles all of our outdoor needs, so they have never seen me working in the garden. Oh well...

Of course, this could have went much different and I would not have been surprised if they brought home something more like this...

My Mom is special because: she buys me things to bribe me to behave in public.
She likes to: talk on the phone, go on FB, blog, nap, watch t.v., get her nails done and shop
My Mom always says: let's go, we're running late!
My Mom can: talk on the phone and drive at the same time!
I know my Mom loves me because: she makes sure I get to bed really early so she can watch her shows.
My Mom is the best at: talking on the phone and doing the computer

I guess other people's perception of us are always different, with children it seems they always see the "good" in everyone. If we where only so lucky as adults to see the world that way, wouldn't it be a greater place?

Happy Late Mothers Day!!!

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