Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And so a new chapter begins...

The past few weeks have been busy and filled with a few bitter sweet endings! Where do I begin...

Let's first begin with the girls last week of pre-k; this was a sad week for all of us. It was hard to swallow that my babies have finished pre-k and are heading off to Kindergarten in the Fall. How can that be? It seemed like yesterday they where just taking their first steps and now...BIG GIRLS SCHOOL!!! Where does the time go? I felt like such an idiot, as I cried all the way to school on their last day and all the way home. Gabriella asked if "I was proud of her..." for doing such a good job in school and I lost it! Proud of her...heck that doesn't even begin to describe how I felt about her finishing pre-k. When we started back in September, I questioned if this was the best thing for them and wondered if I was sending them too early. Each day they both bedazzled me with the things they learned and how mature they both had become. It was amazing! I owe all of this to the excellent teacher..what a women! Each day she went above and beyond what a teacher should do and it shows in all of her students. This group of 11 left on Friday ready to face the world and have no clue what Kindergarten has in store for them, but, their teacher has given them the knowledge and strength to take on anything. It was very sad myself during that week...at the picnic, the slide show and finally the last day! As I left on Friday, I kept wondering will we ever be back? I know their new school is a great school and we have all intentions of returning to our Catholic school for first grade, however, a lot can happen in one year. I'm trusting in God, that he will lead us on the right path. One thing I do know, I have met a lot of great people and all of us have made great friends! School or no school, that won't change!

Our next new chapter, my new job! I started yesterday "officially", and when I mean "officially" I mean I didn't wear my ugly blue polo and wore a more business casual ensemble. Just kidding.... Unfortunately, this day was shadowed by the passing of our boss; she succumbed to pancreatic cancer last week. Please do not misunderstand, she didn't die and then they gave me the job a couple days later...she had been out ill since October. We knew the end was coming and with our busy season in full swing, the management started making arrangements for her replacement months ago. She was aware what was going on and as always, she was more concerned about things being taken care of at work, than what was going on with her. She was a great lady, one of the strongest women I had ever met. She had a short life, passing at 58, however led a big life! As for my new position, I am so excited about the possibilities and opportunities. I am saddened that I moved into this position because someone lost their life, and truly wish things where different. But, as I mentioned God has a journey for all of us, we just have to follow his path.

So what does the future bring for our family...who knows? If you would have asked me last year I would have said I am taking the summer off from work and heading to Kindergarten at our old school in the Fall. Hopefully, a year from now things are still idle and the only "changes" we are facing in our lives are changing back to our old school.

What about you...any new things happening? Any changes you would like to share? Do you like change? I know I don't, but, you got to roll with the punches....

Monday, June 1, 2009


Need I say more?

Think before you write! Make sure the "tone" of the email comes across in the way you want it to be perceived. When in doubt...DON'T SEND IT!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

This Lady Is Crazy!

I was indulging in my daily dose of Perez Hilton and ran across this picture...

Not sure if this lady is this child's Mother, but, regardless of her relationship to this boy, his shirt is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!! If she is his parent, she should be ashamed of herself and if she's not, the child's Mother should re-think allowing her son to be with this women.

I can't believe any adult would allow their child to wear a shirt, in public, with the worst profanity written across it. Clearly, this is some sort of cry for attention from the adult to gain public attention.

What do you think?


Shake It...literally!!!

So people often wonder how I stay in shape, or at least stay thin. Well, I am about to give you my secret that I have done for a long time...yet no one...not even family knows this about me.
Are you ready...


Ok..so it's not a big tada, however, since I have had the girls it has been very important to stay in shape due to the heart thing, however, trying to get to the gym everday is near impossible. My solution..I dance! I go thru waves of songs and currently, my absolute favorite song is SHAKE IT by MetroStation. You can't help getting up and dancing when this song comes on and it has a fast pace, so it really gets your heart going. The girls love this song and dance around with me too, it is fun for the entire family. I think our last song was something from HSM and before that, I can't remember. Sometimes we do it the morning, sometimes the afternoon and sometimes after dinner...Pete will even join in then. We all laugh and have fun and get some good cardio in at the same time.

I have attached SHAKE IT (by Metro Station) for your listening pleasure, I highly recommend turning the music up and dancing around. We usually play it about 3 times before we get tired of hearing it...enjoy!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 Hours and NOTHING!!!

As I mentioned earlier, I was taking Emily to the dermatologist yesterday to have a wart removed. I took her to a very well trusted doctor, in fact, he is the doctor who treated me when I was diagnosed with melanoma and my Mom with skin cancer. To be honest, I wouldn't trust anyone else removing such a thing from child, however, yesterdays visit left me annoyed and frustrated!
Because this doctor has a great reputation, he is always busy. I try to book appts. with him at his first appt. after lunch. Normally, the only people before me are his surgery patients from the morning. It's not unusual to wait for an hour or even two; I have been with my Mom and waited well into three hours. This is was prepared for, but, waiting two hours to have him tell me to use Compound W for two weeks and then come back, that really irritated me. My poor child had resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have this wart yesterday and was so excited. She mentally prepared herself for anything he was going to do, ie...cut, slice or burn. She was so disappointed when he said "that's it", we'll see you in two weeks. I could have started the Compound W two weeks ago if they would have told me this over the phone, it's quit annoying. Oh yeah, did I mention this doctor is well over an hour from my house, so not only do we sit for hours, but, we drive an hour to get there....grrrrrr!!!!
Pete and I decided we would do the compound W and talk to our pediatrician next week. The girls see him next Thursday for their annual checkup, hopefully, he can do something.
This is just very disappointing, Pete and I both wanted to have this removed, because, Emily is getting really self conscious about this, or maybe it's us. She did say to me after we left "Mom, I don't why it bothers you so much, it doesn't bother me...it's just part of me." It's a brave thing for a little girl to say and I know she was just saying it to make me feel better. She's a smart, sweet little girl and I just hope solution works.
Wish us luck!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Ok, there I said it... I feel much better.

Normally, my house is very clean, almost too clean as I have been told by many. Lately, it is a huge mess. I swear is someone walked in they would think we had been ransacked. There are toys everywhere, beds not made, clothes on the floor. It is a a disaster. There are so many shoes in the mud room, that you have to take giant steps to walk over them to get into the house. I guess in my mind, I knew Pete and I where going to do heavy cleaning this weekend...closets, drawers, basically, getting things organized, so I figured, "ah, I'll do it this weekend." Granted, most of the mess is from the girls and it always amazes me how much mess two little people can make. I can't blame the entire mess on the girls, as the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms...those rooms are a mess too, it's really gross!

Today, after blogging of course, we are going to hit the house hard. We are going to dedicate the entire day to cleaning and organizing. Of course Pete's allergies are so bad, the poor man can barely breathe, so I'm thinking this job may fall heavy on my shoulders. That's ok, as long as he watches the girls, I can get it done before tomorrow.

I do often wonder if other peoples homes ever look so messy, that their house could be confused with a frat house....anyone want to fess up?

They joys of a gardening!

This weekend Pete and decided we where going to stay home and work around the house. Clean the garage, basement and do a little planting. For anyone who knows me, they know "planting" is a word that is barely in my vocabulary. Each year I try to plant flowers and each year by July they are dead. This doesn't stop me , however, I still go spend about a $100 on flowers and give it a best.

This year, I think I got a little over ambitious and decided to plant flowers in all of my landscape beds. I have never done this before, and now I know why. It's so hard! I don't know why anyone would ever claim that gardening is "relaxing", but, they must lead some pretty tough lives. Yesterday was the most physically, dirty, long job I have ever taken on! Landscapers do not get enough credit for all their hard work. About a half hour in, I recruited the girls to help plant the flowers. Sadly, Gabriella did a much better job than me, it was humbling moment. She must get her "green thumb" from her Grandmother, because, mine is as brown as dirt! Emily on the other hand, she takes after me. Much rather deal with the ugly of mty flower beds, then spend hours and hours planting little flowers everywhere. Not to mention, I doubt any will live much past today, let alone all summer.

I did plant a few planters and I have mastered the art of watering those. Their life expectancy is about 6 weeks, not bad. My goal is to generally have them all survive to Fourth of July. We usually have a party then, so once that is over you most likely won't see me out watering anything.

I am proud of myself that each year I try a little more, but, sad that each year I fail. Maybe this year will be the year I will have a full lush garden full of flowers...wish me luck!

For the Good of the Family!

If you are a reader of my blog, you are aware I send the girls to private, catholic school. Pete and I choose this route, because, we wanted they to have religion in the daily lives outside of home. Well, I'm sad to say next year the girls will be changing schools. Due to my new work schedule, we would have to go the daycare route and it is so expensive. It was hard to justify daycare and private school, so we decided to move them to a public school for kindergarten.
This was a hard decision for me, however, for Pete and the girls; it was so easy. I really have grown to love their school and really bond with the families. It will be a temporary move, so they will return for first grade. Financially, it just made for sense..public school = full day FREE kindergarten. I am looking at this as another blessing from God, because, if this didn't work out I wouldn't have been able to accept my new job and we would be back in the same boat financially. It's for the good of the family and that is what has to be the priority.
Of course, this could go all wrong after they test for school, however, I feel confident both will pass with flying colors. They are my kids of course...just kidding. Their preschool teacher has established a strong base for both of them and I would be surprised if they weren't accepted. If not, we'll head back to catholic school and I'll quite my job.
It's all what God has planned for us!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is that on her nose?

About 7 months ago Emily started getting a very small bump on her and now has turned into a full fledged wart on the tip of her nose.

I feel so bad for her, as EVERYONE points it out to her and says something about it to her. At first, she didn't pay any attention to what people where saying, but, the more people asked, the more she became uncomfortable with it. I feel bad and have taken her twice to the doctor and each time they said they wanted to try to have it go away on it's own, rather than trying to burn it off. Finally, the past visits I insisted we do something about it and they agreed.

She will be seeing a dermatologist next week and I hope he removes it. I feel bad and must admit it looks really bad. A couple months back I tried some "homemade" remedies to remove it and well let's just say now she has fear of liquid band aid...bad mommy!!!

What kills me about this, is how many adult say things. Not one child, all adults must point out this flaw to a 4 year old. She only became self conscience about this because of the things they said, how awful. Now I understand why so many people have body imagine issues, because, so many people are so willing to point our our flaws. I would NEVER in a million years question something like a wart on adult, let alone a child. People need to think before they speak! Now I have subject my daughter to painful removal of this wart, because, people can't keep their mouths shut...urghhhh!!

Have you ever experienced this with your child, or yourself?

Busy, busy, busy...

We have had so much going on in the past week or so, I haven't had a chance to blog. I started my journey back to full time work and glad to say got a job on my first interview. It has been 10 years since the last time I sat down and put myself out there and proud to say I did really well.

I start my new job the 2ND week in June and am very excited. The nerves are coming in when I have to decide what to do with the girls. Day care is so expensive and I don't really want to work for day care...what's the point! Luckily, we have a lot of great friends and family willing to watch the girls, so I think we may be in luck for the summer and when school starts. This summer their teachers daughter will watch them and then a close friend once school starts. We are lucky enough to have a friend willing to take the time to drive the girls too and from school, she will care for them like her own. I must say relieved, however, a little nervous that it has worked out a little too easily, however, will take it day by day.

The girls are also nearing the end of their first year of school and I can't believe it's almost over. I'm anxious to have them start school, however, a little saddened my babies are growing up. This subject has been tough in our home, as lately Pete is feeling we should hold them back for some reason. Their teachers have not even hinted they are not ready to move on, however, I he really wants them to be the oldest in the class, rather than youngest. Luckily, I have a way of encouraging people to see my point of view and he is coming around. The girls love school and I really think after 2 years of school, to take them out now for a year would really hinder them... what do I know? Anyway, we will proceed as everyone else and start of new adventure in Sept. ...one day at a time!

This summer brings a lot of things...baseball games, parties, weddings, new babies, vacations and of course my new job. To me this summer is shaping up to be an exciting adventure for our family and I can't wait to get it going. We have 7 days left of school and then it begins! I can't wait!

Do you have anything fun planned for the summer? Starting a new job, traveling or fun plans. I would love for you to share...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being a Mom

Being a Mom is one of the best feelings in the world no matter what, but, when it really hits you how much you impact your children's life and can see thru their eyes their perception of you, it's just the best feeling in the world.

With Mother's Day a couple days ago, the kids of course brought home many homemade gifts to show their love and appreciation for me. My absolute favorite was a "My Mom" list of reasons as to why they love me.

This is from Emily ...

My Mom

My Mom is special because: she likes to clean every morning.
She likes to: watch t.v.
My Mom always says: After dinner, it's bedtime.
My Mom can: clean the bathroom and the mirrors until they sparkle.
I know my Mom loves me because: she gives me kisses.
My Mom is the best at: cooking.

from Gabriella....

My Mom is special because: she loves me and gives me kisses
She likes to: take walks with me
My Mom always says: Turn off the t.v.!
My mom can: make the best chocolate chip pancakes
I know my mom loves me because: she gives me hugs & kisses
My mom is the best at : working in the garden.

It's funny the things that we do or say that are so minor, yet make such a impact on our children's lives. The cleaning thing really hit me, as you wouldn't think kids would even notice or appreciate their Mom cleaning, however, both of my children have. It's kind of fun! Of course, I'm not sure where the "working in the garden" statement came from. We have a lawn service that handles all of our outdoor needs, so they have never seen me working in the garden. Oh well...

Of course, this could have went much different and I would not have been surprised if they brought home something more like this...

My Mom is special because: she buys me things to bribe me to behave in public.
She likes to: talk on the phone, go on FB, blog, nap, watch t.v., get her nails done and shop
My Mom always says: let's go, we're running late!
My Mom can: talk on the phone and drive at the same time!
I know my Mom loves me because: she makes sure I get to bed really early so she can watch her shows.
My Mom is the best at: talking on the phone and doing the computer

I guess other people's perception of us are always different, with children it seems they always see the "good" in everyone. If we where only so lucky as adults to see the world that way, wouldn't it be a greater place?

Happy Late Mothers Day!!!