Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

For the Good of the Family!

If you are a reader of my blog, you are aware I send the girls to private, catholic school. Pete and I choose this route, because, we wanted they to have religion in the daily lives outside of home. Well, I'm sad to say next year the girls will be changing schools. Due to my new work schedule, we would have to go the daycare route and it is so expensive. It was hard to justify daycare and private school, so we decided to move them to a public school for kindergarten.
This was a hard decision for me, however, for Pete and the girls; it was so easy. I really have grown to love their school and really bond with the families. It will be a temporary move, so they will return for first grade. Financially, it just made for sense..public school = full day FREE kindergarten. I am looking at this as another blessing from God, because, if this didn't work out I wouldn't have been able to accept my new job and we would be back in the same boat financially. It's for the good of the family and that is what has to be the priority.
Of course, this could go all wrong after they test for school, however, I feel confident both will pass with flying colors. They are my kids of course...just kidding. Their preschool teacher has established a strong base for both of them and I would be surprised if they weren't accepted. If not, we'll head back to catholic school and I'll quite my job.
It's all what God has planned for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of test are they taking for school?
Is this because of their age or do they do this for all new kindergartens?