Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 things I let my kids do...that I shouldn't!

Not all of us can be perfect parents, most of us fall into the mediocre at best category. Needless to say I do have 5 things that I allow my children to do, even know they probably shouldn't.
1. Listen to certain songs. ie... Single Lady, Shake It, Womanizer and Sexy Back. All clean versions, yet no more appropriate. You can find my children at gymnastics or catholic school school singing "All the Single Ladies, put on ring on it..." I crack up, however, other parents look at me like I am having them read from the book of Satan.

2. Eat junk food as a meal and don't make them eat veggies. Ok...what parent doesn't give in when their child isn't eating a meal? So they refuse to eat dinner and you give them Lifesavers instead, they'll make up their nutrition in the morning. If not then, I'm sure they'll give them something healthy in school.
3. Bribe them with material items in order to get them to do things. This has really bit of us in the ass, as they always say "what are you going to buy us if we do it?" Or "let's just go buy it". When they started school I had to bribe them with "treats" when I picked them up. Needless to say every time they get in the car they ask " what did you buy us". When I don't, which isn't often, we stop at the bakery for cookies.
4. Let them wear pull-ups if they don't feel like going potty before bed. Ok this doesn't really hurt them, however, teaches them laziness. Ok, teaches them that Pete and I can be lazy. Who wants to get up and change the sheets at 2am? Not me! They sleep together so when you get one up to change, the other wakes up and they NEVER fall back asleep.

5. Let one of the two have a bottle whenever she wants...yes, she is 4! This one is actually funny, because, she knows she shouldn't be drinking from a bottle. I even caught her lying to friends at school about drinking a bottle. I guess Pete and I shouldn't give in, but, she is stubborn as hell and it's not like we are putting Vodka in the bottle.

6. Turn the TV on before bed in lieu of reading books. I loath reading and Pete tells a story like a ... I don't know a bad story teller. Don't get me wrong, the girls love books and love when they are read too, but, I just cannot stand reading to them. I always say "tomorrow I'll read 2 books, just watch Arthur". Thank God for DVR!!!

OK, so I have more than 5, probably a lot more than 6 too, but, of course all my parenting traits aren't so bad. I do have a couple of things that I think aren't too bad.

1. They drink TONS of water.
From what I hear, allot of people can't get their kids to drink any water.

2. They eat tons of fruit. Fruits good, who doesn't like fruit!

3. They have GREAT manners and are very polite. Always "yes, please" or "excuse me"...very polite!!
4. Very kind and loving. They never want to see anyone with hurt feelings or sad. Anytime they see me cry, they always comfort me and bring a tissue. They just have the sweetest little hearts.
5. They are excellent at washing their hands and understanding germs. Germs Bad...clean good!!!

6. Hmmmm... have I only done 5 things right in the past 4 years?
The point is as parents we are always too hard on ourselves. Yes, I know my kids should eat more veggies, but, in time. They are healthy and eat a very well balanced diet otherwise. Sometimes other parents are the first to judge you. We all have our good points as parents and we all at sometime think we are failing miserably. My theory is if you love your child(ren) and everything you do for that child is out of love, than you can't possibly be doing anything wrong!
Do you ever feel as if you are having a "bad parent" moment...or life? Is your best friend the "perfect" Mom or Dad? Or worst of all...do you judge other parents????????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some bad-
1. Fast food...I LOATHE cooking..
2. I give in too easy when I know I shouldn't. I have no patience for whining.
3. I too, sometimes listen to songs on the radio and think "should the kids be hearing this?"
(Kat- when your kids start asking what the lyrics mean..you tend to turn the station quicker)
4. Too much tv

Some good-
1. They are polite
2. They listen well (most of the time)
3. They are great with schedules
4. They are happy and healthy
5. They love each other and care about others feelings.