Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Say What??

Lisa Bonet ( "Cosby Show", "Life On Mars") gave birth recently to a baby boy. She and boyfriend Jason Momoa ("Stargate Atlantis") named him Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa. Yes, for real.

This explains the unique name:

"He was born on the stormiest, rainy night, so Nakoa (warrior)...Mana(strength/spirit) Kaua (rain) po (dark)...." she wrote. "The name was always going to be Nakoa-Wolf, but Jason did the research on first [and] middle name. [The] 2nd middle name, as you know, is Jason's."

This is Lisa's 2nd child with Jason. They also have a daughter ( 20 mos) Momoa. She also has a 20 year old daughter with Lenny Kravitz, Zoe.



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