We are driving to school one day last week and we were talking about a little girl in their class who wore a very "fun" dress to class...OK a Mickey Mouse costume...something I would never in a million years let the girls wear. So I said to them "blanks Mom must be so fun & relaxed if she lets blank wear her Mickey costume to school". The girls both agreed and I admit too, blanks Mom is very fun, in fact most every other Mom I meet is more fun than me. Of course this led to the questions "am I fun"? Emily, never sparing any one's feelings, said "no", "you are NOT fun". "You make us wear itchy clothes to school, we can never get messy and you never play with us." I was certainly taken aback by this discovery, however, she was not wrong. I run their little lives as if we were the First Family and had to always been seen in a certain way. Erin can attest to this, as I freak out when the girls get messy, I just cannot let myself go and be "fun".
Gabriella on the other hand looks at me so different and really tried to spare my feelings. She said "Mommy, you are too busy to be fun, because, you are so busy taking care of us. You drive us everywhere, make us pancakes, gives us baths and make sure we are safe. If you were fun, you couldn't be those things either". I was touched my her caring nature, however, taken aback by her insight...she is only 4! She ended her touching speech with "Mommy, I love you just the way you are, even if you are not fun!"
I suppose there are worse things in life then not being "fun", however, I do wish Iwould relax and try to be more fun.
Maybe today I will let them go out in their costumes, I mean what is the worse thing that could happen...they have fun?
1 comment:
I think kids are just like adults..the grass is always greener on the other side. You are fun..just check your facebook page!
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