OK...probably not, but, cheating at games drives me nuts! Now that the girls are getting a little older, we play games more often and I am learning that Emily not only cheats, but, is a very sore loser.
Last night we played Monopoly Town and my sweet little Emily continued to cheat over and over. I kept trying to explain to her that I won't play games with them if they cheat, because, we have to learn how to do things the right way. Don't get me wrong, I know kids cheat at games because they enjoy the feeling as if they won, however, I strongly feel it is my job to teach them how to play games the correct way. Pete on the other hand, well let's just say he helped her take a few extra dollars from the "bank".
I'm sure in the long run cheating at games will not make her a hardened criminal, however, I do think she will never learn the value of winning something on her own. I also feel we play games for a reason...playing games. I hate seeing the girls make everything a competition to see who is going to be "better" at something. I'm not sure if all kids are so competitive or my girls because they are twins. It drives me crazy! I'm one of those people who always loses and I am OK with that, because, I usually have a good time. By no means does this mean that I don't like to win, but, I don't have to win to have fun. I'm trying to pass this message on to my girls and it seems to be falling on deaf ears with Emily.
Maybe if she didn't get so angry when she lost, maybe she wouldn't want to cheat so much. Does it ever set in? Will this be her nature? Will she be competitive her entire life? I hope not!
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