Who am I ?

I am a Mother of twin girls and everyday is a new adventure for my family. Between school, work, gymnastics, friends and a large family there is never a dull moment in our life. I thought I would share with anyone who would listen...enjoy!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring break...really???

Yesterday we returned back to school / work from a week off for Spring break. I don't know if you can really call it "Spring Break", as it was cold, snowy, rainy and windy.

I can understand public schools having break in March due to separating church & state, however, with the girls going to Catholic School I cannot understand why we couldn't have our spring break after Easter. We have off Holy Thursday and Good Friday and then return back to school the day after Easter. It would be nice to have the very long vacation from work and school and chances are the weather may be just a little nicer. Oh well! I guess that is a battle I won't ever win. I'm sure schools have their systems in place for a reason, it just seems their reasons don't make sense. Give kids a week off, go back for a week and half and then two more days off...crazy!

Anyway, we made the best of the stinky weather and had many of play dates. The girls were beyond excited to see a school friend, a neighbor friend and ALL of their cousins. I enjoyed visiting with everyone too. We also used last week to make up a few gymnastics classes the girls missed and of course cleaning the house. Saturday we did something a little different and took the girls to something they each wanted to do. Not too often do they both get to choose an activity they want, so this was pretty special. Gabriella choose seeing Dora Live with Pete and Emily wanted to go to American Girl with me for lunch. I must say it was quite enjoying. Our morning started a little scary, as both girls got sick. I felt so bad for both of them that they both would miss their special day, luckily with some prayers and a little faith we made it through the entire weekend sick free. THANK GOD!! We decided to use this opportunity to stay down in the City and let the girls go swimming at a hotel. The weather so poor all week, swimming was just the trick to get their minds off the sleet falling outside. The next morning we were lucky enough to see the Shamrock Shuffle and cheer on all the runners grudging thru really bad weather. We ended our weekend with pizza with a few more cousins, just as we started vacation. It was really nice!

We were all excited to get back to school / work yesterday and figured the weather was the nicest of the past 9 days. I wonder if you can really call Spring Break "Spring" when it snows. I personally think we should go back to Easter Break and do it the week after, at least if the weather stinks we'll have two extra days to enjoy some time off!

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