To the Dentist!
I don't why I waited so long to bring the girls to the dentist, however, at the age of 4 1/2 they had their first checkup.
I don't why I waited so long to bring the girls to the dentist, however, at the age of 4 1/2 they had their first checkup.
I am happy to say it went GREAT! They both did awesome and really loved the experience. We were lucky, one of the Mom's at school was the hygienist, so if they did have any uneasy feelings about going, they were gone once they saw her.
Things have changed so much since I was a child. I remember we were excited to go into the "toy drawer" and pick out some lame toy. I was shocked when they both received a goody bag filled with a lot of really cool things. Everything from a full size toothpaste, to stickers and even a princess tooth brush. It was like going to a birthday party!
Pete and I got our teeth cleaned too and for us it had been a long time. I LOVE going to the dentist, however, with the whole "heart" thing it was always a pain because my dentist wanted me to pre-medicate to prevent infection. My cardiologist has always been opposed to this, so it was a always a battle between the two. Luckily, our new dentist agreed with my cardiologist 100% and felt she knows the best plan of action when it comes to my heart. I had my checkup and all was fine. No cavities , however, I did have a chipped tooth so I have to go back in a few weeks to have it fixed.
Pete on the other hand, did not enjoy his visit so much. It was good they placed him on the opposite side of the office from the girls, because, when he was done it looked like major surgery took place. He didn't have any cavities, but, his cleaning took forever! He'll probably kill me for saying, but, he actually has to go back to finish the cleaning. I don't get it, he is so particular about his hygiene, yet he falls short when it comes to taking care of his teeth.
All in all, it was a great experience for everyone. The girls keep telling everyone how they went to dentist, as if they went to Disney. Poor children! Actually when you compare our trip to Disney to their first dental appointment, Disney comes us a little short!
One down, two more to go as we start our journey to Kindergarten! Hopefully, the eye doctor goes just as smooth and well, their wellness visits are always fine.
I'll keep you posted!
I wish I could have cleaned their teeth!!
Your girls would be fun!
And in ref. to your heart, the ADA has new guidelines that say in most cases pre-med is unwise. Due to antibiotic resistance. So, your dentist seems to be up on all the newest protocol for heart related stuff! Excellent!
And tell that man to floss! :D
They were so good, I was so proud.
I was very happy when he told me about the pre medication and someone finally agreed with my cardiologist. If we ever go to WA, I'll bring the girls in for a teeth cleaning...ha..ha j/k
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