We have had so much going on in the past week or so, I haven't had a chance to blog. I started my journey back to full time work and glad to say got a job on my first interview. It has been 10 years since the last time I sat down and put myself out there and proud to say I did really well.
I start my new job the 2ND week in June and am very excited. The nerves are coming in when I have to decide what to do with the girls. Day care is so expensive and I don't really want to work for day care...what's the point! Luckily, we have a lot of great friends and family willing to watch the girls, so I think we may be in luck for the summer and when school starts. This summer their teachers daughter will watch them and then a close friend once school starts. We are lucky enough to have a friend willing to take the time to drive the girls too and from school, she will care for them like her own. I must say relieved, however, a little nervous that it has worked out a little too easily, however, will take it day by day.
The girls are also nearing the end of their first year of school and I can't believe it's almost over. I'm anxious to have them start school, however, a little saddened my babies are growing up. This subject has been tough in our home, as lately Pete is feeling we should hold them back for some reason. Their teachers have not even hinted they are not ready to move on, however, I he really wants them to be the oldest in the class, rather than youngest. Luckily, I have a way of encouraging people to see my point of view and he is coming around. The girls love school and I really think after 2 years of school, to take them out now for a year would really hinder them... what do I know? Anyway, we will proceed as everyone else and start of new adventure in Sept. ...one day at a time!
This summer brings a lot of things...baseball games, parties, weddings, new babies, vacations and of course my new job. To me this summer is shaping up to be an exciting adventure for our family and I can't wait to get it going. We have 7 days left of school and then it begins! I can't wait!
Do you have anything fun planned for the summer? Starting a new job, traveling or fun plans. I would love for you to share...
Kathleen, Where are you going to work at & what are you going to be doing? Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about it! Hope it goes well!
Jen P.
I just LOVE your blog! Your life is so similar to mine! I have twins..boy and girl.
Aren't twins fun?
How is your shopping addiction?
Thanks Sally, I'm glad you are enjoying my blog. Twins are fun, they are always keeping us busy...
My shopping problem is getting better, but, we'll see what an added paycheck will do...keep your fingers crossed.
Jen..just working in an office, nothing fancy.
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