This weekend Pete and decided we where going to stay home and work around the house. Clean the garage, basement and do a little planting. For anyone who knows me, they know "planting" is a word that is barely in my vocabulary. Each year I try to plant flowers and each year by July they are dead. This doesn't stop me , however, I still go spend about a $100 on flowers and give it a best.
This year, I think I got a little over ambitious and decided to plant flowers in all of my landscape beds. I have never done this before, and now I know why. It's so hard! I don't know why anyone would ever claim that gardening is "relaxing", but, they must lead some pretty tough lives. Yesterday was the most physically, dirty, long job I have ever taken on! Landscapers do not get enough credit for all their hard work. About a half hour in, I recruited the girls to help plant the flowers. Sadly, Gabriella did a much better job than me, it was humbling moment. She must get her "green thumb" from her Grandmother, because, mine is as brown as dirt! Emily on the other hand, she takes after me. Much rather deal with the ugly of mty flower beds, then spend hours and hours planting little flowers everywhere. Not to mention, I doubt any will live much past today, let alone all summer.
I did plant a few planters and I have mastered the art of watering those. Their life expectancy is about 6 weeks, not bad. My goal is to generally have them all survive to Fourth of July. We usually have a party then, so once that is over you most likely won't see me out watering anything.
I am proud of myself that each year I try a little more, but, sad that each year I fail. Maybe this year will be the year I will have a full lush garden full of flowers...wish me luck!
1 comment:
Good for you!!! You are going to love having these flowers around your house! They make everything so happy! :o)
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