The past few weeks have been busy and filled with a few bitter sweet endings! Where do I begin...
Let's first begin with the girls last week of pre-k; this was a sad week for all of us. It was hard to swallow that my babies have finished pre-k and are heading off to Kindergarten in the Fall. How can that be? It seemed like yesterday they where just taking their first steps and now...BIG GIRLS SCHOOL!!! Where does the time go? I felt like such an idiot, as I cried all the way to school on their last day and all the way home. Gabriella asked if "I was proud of her..." for doing such a good job in school and I lost it! Proud of her...heck that doesn't even begin to describe how I felt about her finishing pre-k. When we started back in September, I questioned if this was the best thing for them and wondered if I was sending them too early. Each day they both bedazzled me with the things they learned and how mature they both had become. It was amazing! I owe all of this to the excellent teacher..what a women! Each day she went above and beyond what a teacher should do and it shows in all of her students. This group of 11 left on Friday ready to face the world and have no clue what Kindergarten has in store for them, but, their teacher has given them the knowledge and strength to take on anything. It was very sad myself during that week...at the picnic, the slide show and finally the last day! As I left on Friday, I kept wondering will we ever be back? I know their new school is a great school and we have all intentions of returning to our Catholic school for first grade, however, a lot can happen in one year. I'm trusting in God, that he will lead us on the right path. One thing I do know, I have met a lot of great people and all of us have made great friends! School or no school, that won't change!
Our next new chapter, my new job! I started yesterday "officially", and when I mean "officially" I mean I didn't wear my ugly blue polo and wore a more business casual ensemble. Just kidding.... Unfortunately, this day was shadowed by the passing of our boss; she succumbed to pancreatic cancer last week. Please do not misunderstand, she didn't die and then they gave me the job a couple days later...she had been out ill since October. We knew the end was coming and with our busy season in full swing, the management started making arrangements for her replacement months ago. She was aware what was going on and as always, she was more concerned about things being taken care of at work, than what was going on with her. She was a great lady, one of the strongest women I had ever met. She had a short life, passing at 58, however led a big life! As for my new position, I am so excited about the possibilities and opportunities. I am saddened that I moved into this position because someone lost their life, and truly wish things where different. But, as I mentioned God has a journey for all of us, we just have to follow his path.
So what does the future bring for our family...who knows? If you would have asked me last year I would have said I am taking the summer off from work and heading to Kindergarten at our old school in the Fall. Hopefully, a year from now things are still idle and the only "changes" we are facing in our lives are changing back to our old school.
What about you...any new things happening? Any changes you would like to share? Do you like change? I know I don't, but, you got to roll with the punches....
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