Today the girls had a party at Chuck E. Cheese and well, let's just say they spent a good 15 minutes screaming & hiding from the mouse.
I feel so bad for the girls, they love playing the games, eating the pizza, but, that darn mouse gets them every time. They are smart enough to know he only comes out during parties, so when we go as a family it's not too bad, but, when we have a party they just dread cake time. Of course today, the 30 seconds I walked away to get something to drink the mouse appeared and I could hear the girls screaming across the entire place. Luckily, one of the Mom's at the party brought the girls over and poor little Emily was even shaking she was so scared. I felt awful for them!
Thankfully, there was only one party so he only came out once and they could get back to their friends. I know they get this phobia from me, as I cannot stand any type of giant creature dressed in a costume. Once when I was in my twenties, Erin thought it would be funny to tell an Easter Bunny that I wanted a hug and he chased me thru an outdoor mall. I ran screaming and crying , then darted into a store to hide. It was horrible.
Our Disney trip was much like Chuck E. Cheese, so can't see us going back there anytime soon. No need to spend a small fortune to terrorize the kids, we can do that right here at Chuck E. Cheese, for a lot less.
Are your kids afraid of these animals or are yours the type that run up and hug the crap out of them?
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