Today after school the girls and I had a ton of errands to do, as I mentioned below the "special" cat litter, and it was raining like crazy. I wasn't happy about running errands in the rain, but, they had to be done.
Anyway, when we arrived at our first destination we had the normal reminder of "don't ask for anything, don't touch anything, don't talk to anyone and make sure you clean your hands before we leave" speech. The girls are great in stores, except for the fact they ask for almost everything the see. I know this is normal, however, I have set a horrible example by never begrudging myself of anything. It's hard to tell them "no" and then indulge in something. For the past few months all of us have been great, trying to keep our budget under wraps. Pete has been quite proud of me and last month I spent ZERO dollars on myself, so I guess I felt I deserved a little something and have gone crazy the past few days. Yesterday I splurged on new clothes, shoes and treated us to lunch. Today, I got the girls more clothes, as if they need any and got a few things for the cats. I'm thinking I'm having buyers remorse now, because, I'm not nearly excited about my purchases as I was in the store. Not only that, but, we had our rings serviced, the cat got fixed and we have eaten out almost everyday since last Thursday...so shame on me for spending money on so many unnecessary things!
I want to set a good example for the girls, however, I find shopping is the only area in my life I cannot show restraint. It's so odd! I suppose it comes from some suppressed feelings I had when I was younger and my parents were always on a budget and we always had to watch what we spent. Once I was an adult, I never held back on anything...never had too! I was single much of my twenties and was lucky to have a great job, it allowed me to afford the things that I wanted. Now, having kids, mortgage and a private school I desperately try to curve my spending and I really need to set a better example for the girls.
The road they are on now is SPOILED, SPOILED, SPOILED...luckily they have impeccable manners, so their spoiledness doesn't show too much outside the house, but, it will soon enough with age. I need help, but, it's so hard to change!
Any suggestions? Does anyone else find themselves having bad habits that are rubbing off on their kids or loved ones?
I have a friend who is a crazy shopper. She just buys, buys, buys..their house is near forclosure and she just keeps buying. She is going into therapy for it.
I'm sure there is a Shoppers Anonymous ( you know, like AA?) Have you checked into a support group?
Thankfully, we're not at that point. Pete pays the bills and sadly limits the cash I have, as well as the charge card. It's so weird, as soon as I get that card, I have to shop. I should check out a support group, it may help.
Thanks for the advice Sally, I will look into it!
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