I have gone my entire life without acne. Never had it when I was younger, not even a little, however, over the course of the past year I seem to get each month around my "time" and I just don't get it!
Occasionally, I would get one pimple here or there, but, few and far between; now it seems to be more often and getting worse. I'm not sure if it's age, hormones or what, but, I don't like it! I pay a lot of money for my skin to look "young" however, this is not what I wanted. I wanted wrinkle free skin, not and acne covered red face. It's just terrible and very embarrassing.
Ahhhh!!! What can I do to make this stop? Someone help...
Anyone know why this happens? Anyone else experience this? Will it ever stop or just get worse?
1 comment:
I hear ya on this! With my Infertility issues, my hormones go crazy. Especially with my PCOS! I have struggled with my skin a lot of my adult life. Much more so now than ever as a teen. However, in the last six months it has been really bad for me. I couldn't or wouldn't I guess would say it better, even go to the gym without makeup & that stinks! You don't realize what a problem it is until you have it. I don't have any great suggestions unfornately. I have seen a dermatologist & it helps somewhat for a bit, but it seems to then overdry. GRRR! I empathize with you. There have been times that mine has been bad enough that I haven't wanted to go out. I hate it! Thankfully, it is getting a little better as of late, but I am so over it. & I agree with you~we are not 15 anymore!
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